We believe in the individual

With over 110 years combined experience and expertise, Tack TMI are the global learning and development experts.

From more than 30 offices around the world, we deliver global programmes in 55 countries, in 37 languages, with one goal – help develop people and organisations to learn and thrive.

Tack Tmi in company learning paths

How do we work?

Tack TMI Indonesia was born from the partnership between Gi Group, one of the top 10 professional services companies in the world and MDI, the leader in leadership training in Indonesia.

Thanks to our strong and successful presence in the Indonesian market, we have built a strong level of trust and expertise in understanding our customers’ needs and providing the right diagnostics and solutions for them.

Our flexibility and consulting approach allows us to fully customise our training programmes and adapt them to our customers’ needs while offering tailor made solutions.

We are chosen for our unique ability to inspire and enable people and organisations to release their true potential and achieve tangible results back on the job.

We are truly global

We provide our unique expertise with a thorough understanding of local markets. We’re able to deploy complex solutions anywhere, anytime, while ensuring quality, consistency and measurable results.

Jl. Jembatan 3 Raya No.36 AA-AB
Penjaringan 14440 DKI Jakarta

Tel: +62(21)6681571
Mail: training@mditack.co.id
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